Cross Talk Correction

The cross talk corrected measurement states are found by the equation:

Accidental Equation


  • M'i,j : The jth basis of measurement i with cross talk correction. Depending on the crosstalk matrix, a pure state can become a mixed state.
  • Mi,j : The jth basis of measurement i. The state the target quantum state is projected on. These are pure states here represented as density matrices.
  • Cj,j' : The index at the jth row and j'th column of the crosstalk matrix.
  • i ∈ [1,m], where m = Number of Measurements.
  • j, j' ∈ [1,k], where k = Number of Detector pairs, which is equal to the number of qubits squared.

More details on the equation can be found in the Photonic State Tomography paper by Joe Altepeter. Cross talk correction is performed in the filter_data() function.

Words in bold correspond to variables defined in the source code.

Reference Papers