Accidental Correction
The predicted accidental counts the jth detector pair of measurement i is calculated by the equation:
- Ti : The times in nano-seconds of measurement i given as an input. Default is 1.
- Sijk : For measurement i and detector pair j, Sijk is the singles count on the kth dector in the pair. For example in the first detector pair 1-2, the Sij1 detector
is the singles count on detector 1. Default of the singles count is 0.
- Wk : The coincidence window duration for the jth detector pair given as an input. Default is 0.
More details on the equation can be found in the Photonic State Tomography paper by Joe Altepeter.
The accidental counts are calculated in the filter_data() function.
Words in bold correspond to variables defined in the source code.
Reference Papers