
To the home page of the Quantum-Tomography python library. Created by the Kwiat Quantum Information Group

Our open-source python library

The package can be downloaded through the pypi link below. The code is stored on github, where you can download the code and make it your own.

pypi logo

github logo

We also have an online interface for State Tomography, where you don't have to interact with the code at all! Our State Characterization app gives gives useful plots and state attributes for two-qubit states.

Want to learn more about the library? Check out our Documentation or how our library functions.

Our Research Group:

This python library is created and maintained by the Kwiat Quantum Information Group at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Feel free to contact us with questions.

University of Illinois


Python Library:






    • By Spencer Johnson
    • These videos cover the basic theory of Quantum Tomography and the application of the tomography of photon polarization qubits.

Books/Book Chapters:

    • This chapter from Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (published by Elsevier in 2005) summarizes both the theoretical foundations of our quantum tomography system and the experimental techiniques used to actually implement that system on photonic qubits.
    • This chapter from Quantum State Estimation (published by Springer in 2004 as part of the Lecture Notes in Physics series) is a shorter version of the chapter above, written to emphasize usefulness for any type of qubit implementation with less emphasis on experimental considerations.
    • A book containing tomography articles from groups around the world, including the second book chapter presented above. It is fairly long, and contains articles from a variety of points of view.

Journal Articles: