
Tomography.StateTomography_Matrix(tomo_input, intensities)

Main function that runs tomography.

  • tomo_input : ndarray

    The input data for the current tomography. Example can be seen at top of page.

  • intensities : 1darray with length = number of measurements (optional)

    Relative pump power (arb. units) during measurement; used for drift correction. Default will be an array of ones

  • method : ['MLE','HMLE','BME','LINER'] (optional)

    Which method to use to run tomography. Default is MLE

  • rhog : ndarray with shape = (2^numQubits, 2^numQubits)

    The predicted density matrix.

  • intensity : The predicted overall intensity used to normalize the state.

    The predicted overall intensity used to normalize the state.

  • fvalp : float

    Final value of the internal optimization function. Values greater than the number of measurements indicate poor agreement with a quantum state.


In case you have any further questions about the Python code, you should direct them to Scott Turro or Joey Shallat.